Brand Highlight
Our Global Vision
今後、BRIEFING を真のグローバルブランドに昇華させるべく、既に20か国以上で実績のあるGlobal ECに加え、北米、アジアパシフィック、欧州に向けて様々な形での店舗展開を図っていきたいと考えています。同時に、グローバル展開を見据えた生産物流ネットワークを整備し、さらに利益を生み出し、お客様に還元できる体制を構築してまいります。
Going forward, for BRIEFING to become a truly global brand, we will expand our store network in various formats in North America,Asia Pacific, and Europe, in addition to our Global EC business,which already has a proven track record in over 20 countries.Simultaneously we can develop a production and distribution network with an eye on global expansionand building systems that will generate more profitabilityand provide more for our customers.
Our Future
Pack your ambition 大志と共に。厳格な規格で生産されたクオリティ、タイムレスなデザインを矜持として、現代をサバイブする人々にとって必要なものの全てを詰め込むことができる優秀な道具であり、自信を与えてくれるアイコンでもあり、
Union Gate GROUP
Union Gate Group products have a strong identity, realized in harmony with functionalitythat reflects our values down to the smallest details.Their universal designs span various fields, uses, and activities. We continue to stay up to date with challenges of daily life and respond to the various demands arising from diverse modern lifestyles.
Pack your ambition. We take pride in the maintaining quality products producedwith strict standards and timeless designs. They become not only excellent tools that can contain everything needed to survive in the modern world but can also be an icon in our lives that inspires confidence and support.We aim to create products fit for various fields and create opportunities for people to have new experiences.
Union Gate GROUP